Managing gaming’s #MeToo minute :’Industry has an issue with maltreatment’
Working environment badgering was high on the plan at the Women in Games European Conference, following a spate of charges
Some state it is long past due, some questioned unfortunate casualties would be prepared to stand up, however now #MeToo has particularly landed in the computer games industry. A month ago, game engineer Nathalie Lawhead presented on their site, blaming computer game soundtrack author Jeremy Soule of assaulting them while the two cooperated at an anonymous Vancouver-based improvement studio. Soule has denied the allegation. Inside days, another engineer, Zoë Quinn, affirmed on Twitter to have experienced maltreatment and badgering Alec Holowka, co-maker of honor winning game, Night in the Woods. Holowka was discovered dead days after the claims were made.
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